OMR15 Omron BF306 Hand Body Fat Monitor - Hibernia Medical (2025)

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Uses Application References

The measured results are closely correlated with the “underwater weighing method” and the DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorbtiometry) method, which are said to be the standard measurements methods for measuring body-fat percentage. The easy to read large digital and graphic displays can be understood at a glance. The measured results based on bodyfat percentage and on BMI calculations are displayed alternately, as well as their interpretations. The memory can store personal data (height, weight, age and gender) for up to 9 people simultaneously.

The Omron Body Fat Monitor contains:

  • Body Composition Monitor
  • 2 AAA batteries
  • Instruction Manual
  • Warranty Card


The Omron Body Fat Monitor is used to measure body fat percentage and Body Mass Index (BMI) based on the electric resistance and the personal data such as height, weight, age and gender.


• Please read the instruction manual provided before use

How to Insert the Batteries:
• While pressing the mark on the battery cover on the back of the unit with your finger, slide off the cover in the direction of the arrow
• Insert two AAA batteries with the polarities in correct alignment
• Slide and securely close the battery cover

Battery life and replacement:
• When the battery replacement symbol flashes, replace both batteries with new ones – replace the batteries after turning off the power
• Disposal of used batteries should be carried out in accordance with national regulations for the disposal of batteries
• Battery life: Two AAA batteries will last approximately 1 year (when measurements are made twice a day) – because the supplied batteries are for monitor use only, they may have a shorter life
• Please note the following points in relation to battery usage:

o Remove the batteries from this unit when not in use for long periods of time (approximately three months or more)
o Replace used batteries with new ones immediately
o Do not use manganese and alkaline batteries together
o Do not use new and worn batteries together

How to obtain a correct measurement:
The Omron BF306 Body Fat Monitor is a monitoring device. It should be used at a fixed point in time and with a fixed period between two measurements. For instance: once a week on a Sunday morning. There are conditions that are not suitable for taking a body fat measurement. There are also some exceptions that are excluded for taking a body fat measurement and some recommendation before taking a measurement.
Understanding the normal changes in your body fat percentage can help you in preventing or reducing obesity. Being aware of the times when the body fat percentages shift within your own daily schedule will assist you in obtaining an accurate trend of your body fat. It is recommended to use this unit in the same environment and same daily circumstances.

Recommended times for measurement:
• After waking up
• Before lunch and about 2 hours or more after breakfast
• In the afternoon about 2 hours or more after lunch and before taking bath or dinner
• Before going to bed and about 2 hours

Conditions or circumstances not suitable for a correct measurement:
If a measurement is made under the following physical conditions, the measured body fat percentage may differ significantly from the actual one because the water content in the body changes:
• Immediately after vigorous exercise
• Immediately after taking bath or sauna
• After drinking alcohol
• After taking a large amount of water or after a meal

Recommendations for taking a measurement:
• If hands are dry; slightly moisten hands with a wet towel, then measure
• If the electrodes feel cold; warm the grip electrodes by leaving the unit in a warm room for approximately ten minutes
• If your body and hands are cold due to the blood not circulating well; warm your hands by immersing in warm water or staying in a warm room and start the measurement again

Setting the Personal Data
• Push the O/I button. All the display segments turn on
• Push the Set button to enter setting mode
• When you want to set the personal memory number and store personal data, select the personal memory number
• Push the Up/Down button and select a personal number from 1 to 9
• Push the Set button
• The personal number turns on and changes to height setting mode
• Set the personal data

Searching for your personal memory number:
• Push the Up/Down button to select your memory number.
• Push the Set button. The memory number is indicated and your personal data is displayed.
• Carry out the measurement. (Refer to How to Measure: Start the Measurement)

How to change any values:
• Push the Set button to go to the personal data you want to change
• Push the Up/Down button to change the setting
• By pushing both the Up/Down buttons at the same time, the current flashing display will reset to the initial value

How to delete all 9 personal data values from the memory:
• Push the Up button and select the memory No.1
• Push the SET button for 2 seconds
• All personal data is deleted
• The display segments turn on (Same as when the O/I button is pushed)
• If you leave the set items on the screen without confirmation, in approximately 1 minute the display will change to the initial values – after 1 minute, the unit will automatically turn off.

Setting height (range: 100.0 cm to 199.5 cm):
• The height value 160.0 cm flashes and HEIGHT is indicated
• Push the Up/Down button to set the height value. The height value increases by increments of 0.5 cm each time the Up button is pressed or decreases each time the Down button is pressed. By pushing the button for more than 1 second, the height values change at a faster rate
• Push the Set button to set the height value. The display changes to the weight setting screen

Setting weight (range: 10.0 kg to 199.8 kg):
• The weight value 60 kg flashes and WEIGHT is indicated
• Push the Up/Down button to change the weight value. The weight value increments by 0.2 kg each time the Up button is pressed or decreases each time the Down button is pressed. By holding the button for more than 1 second, the weight values change at a faster rate
• Push the Set button to set the weight value. The display changes to the age setting screen

Setting age (range: 18 to 70 years old):
• The age value 40 flashes and the AGE is indicated
• Push the Up/Down button to change the age. The age values change by 1 year. By holding the button for more than 1 second, the age values change at a faster rate
• Push the Set button to set the age value. The display changes to the gender setting screen

Setting gender (male / female):
• The gender male flashes and MALE is indicated
• Push the Up/Down button to change the gender. The display of male or female flashes alternately
• Push the Set button to set the gender
• Now all the set items are stored, READY is displayed. If your age, weight, or height has changed, correct the value accordingly.

Taking a Measurement:
• Stand with both feet slightly apart
• Hold the grip electrodes. Wrap your middle finger around the groove of the handle and place the palm of your hand on the top and the bottom electrodes. Put your thumbs up, resting on top of the unit
• Hold your arms straight out, at a 90 degree angle to your body
• Do not move during the measurement
• The READY indicator turns on
• Push the START button
• Immediately after having pushed the START button, hold the electrodes correctly with both hands. The unit automatically detects that it is held and starts measuring
• During the measurement, the display shown to the right turns on and the arrows rotate from LOW to TOO HIGH. As soon as measurement is finished, the FAT% is displayed on the left display, while indicating the interpretation of this value (NORMAL >> TOO HIGH) on the right display.
• After approx. 5 seconds, both displays change to BMI (Body Mass Index), and every 5 seconds, the displays change from FAT% to BMI and vice-versa
• You can start another measurement when the READY indicator turns on
• Push the O/I button to turn the power off. If you do not push the O/I button, the unit will turn off automatically, approximately three minutes after displaying the measurement results

How to Interpret the Measured Results:
• BMI is an internationally used index to show the body condition by checking the balance between the height and the weight – It is calculated by the following formula: BMI = weight / height².
• BMI classification displays as follows:
o LOW <18.5
o NORMAL >18.5 and <25
o HIGH >25 and <30
o TOO HIGH >30
• Body fat percentage displays the body fat mass as the percentage of body weight

Cleaning and Storing the Unit:
• Clean the main unit with a soft dry cloth
• If the main unit is heavily stained, wipe it with a cloth lightly dampened with water or detergent, then wipe it dry with a dry cloth
• Be careful that no water gets inside the main unit
• Do not wipe the unit with benzene, gasoline, paint thinner, alcohol, or other volatile detergents

OMR15 Omron BF306 Hand Body Fat Monitor - Hibernia Medical (2025)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.